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Person - Specialist

Valentina Bonalda

Psychologist and psychotherapist

Valentina Bonalda is a psychologist (registration 03/15579) and is finishing the postgraduate school of the Italian society of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (SIPP). After the master's degree awarded cum laude from the University of Milano-Bicocca, she continued her training focusing mainly on individual psychotherapy and parenting support. She attended a postgraduate course at the University of Pavia for the assessment and interventions focused on attachment, in addition to international trainings on parenting support. She is certified Intervener of the Video Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD), an intervention aimed at increasing parental sensitivity, improving parent-child relationship and identifying strategies to prevent or decrease behavioral problems in young children. She is also an authorized facilitator of the Circle of Security - Parenting (COS-P) program, an intervention focused on attachment and care, designed to increase parents' and teachers' mentalizing ability.

She gained significant experience in the care of mental health of adolescence and adulthood, working with therapeutic communities for teenagers and adults and public hospitals. She was responsible for the area of parenting in a rehabilitation center for drug addicted mothers with children and women victims of violence. She worked with adults affected by severe psychiatric disorders, designing and implementing rehabilitation, and children with developmental disorders. She works in private practice in Milan and collaborates with some private psychotherapy clinics.





Where can you find Valentina Bonalda

  • Sede virtuale - Visite e prestazioni online
  • Milano Repubblica